Why lubrication system monitoring is an important part of lubrication management

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One of the most important means of extending equipment life is to choose the right lubricant. However, no matter how good the lubricating oil is, if it is contaminated by pollutants, nothing will be done. From the process of lubricating oil production to inject into the machine, there are many opportunities for lubricating oil to be contaminated by waste oil, dust, moisture, etc. Minimising the possibility of acceptable contamination and improving the storage technology and treatment process of lubricating oil during storage have far-reaching significance for extending the life of equipment and improving the efficiency of lubricating oil. Once the lubricating oil is injected into the equipment, it still has the possibility of being contaminated by either external or internal sources of pollution. Proper prevention and detection as well as purification techniques are necessary to maximize the life of equipment and lubricants.

The most valuable tool for evaluating a lubricant program is the lubricant inspection. It can obtain information about equipment, lubricants, lubrication systems, lubricant replacement, lubricant addition frequency, machine operating environment and load, lubricant storage and operating behavior. The information gained from lubricant testing and user communication is used to develop and improve a comprehensive lubricant program. This lubricating oil program defines a special area, which includes the corresponding risk level and maintenance system of the designated machine, the optimal selection of lubricating oil, the frequency of lubricating oil replacement and sampling, the control method of improving pollution, and the storage and operation behavior.

After selecting the right lubricant, controlling solid and liquid contaminants in the oil becomes another important step in optimizing equipment management and lubricant life. Here we compare a machine lubricant system to the human body for example: our immune system is constantly monitoring all pollutants produced inside and outside the body. This monitoring is the process of opposing resistance to bacterial and viral infections. When the human body detects an infection, our immune system produces thousands of white blood cells at high speed to fight the infection. Fortunately, as a biological "machine", our bodies automatically wage a fight against the infectious agent and in most cases win. Only when the infection is very severe or persistent will we feel some signs. In this case, we will go to the doctor. Doctors perform a series of tests, including blood analysis, to diagnose the source of the disease, and prescribe drugs to help the body improve its ability to resist attack.

Lubricants are also known as machine blood, however, machine equipment cannot automatically detect and combat contaminants. It relies entirely on our inspections, monitoring, and counter-actions when pollutants are found to be generated or invaded to ensure a longer equipment and lubricant life. Doctors and drug companies improve our health by developing and prescribing drugs and nutrients. Similarly, lubricating oil companies are committed to improving the service life of user equipment and lubricating oil. Controlling pollutants in the lubrication system can play a multiplier role in improving the service life of equipment and lubricating oil.